Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in Deal, Kent

Search Engine Optimisation in Kent

What is Search Engine Optimisation - and what's the point?

With millions of websites on the internet, it's getting harder to get your site noticed.

It's not just making the site attractive to your potential customers, but also attractive to search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo so that they will show your site when a potential customer searches for your products or services.

That's where Search Engine Optimisation (also known as SEO) plays a part.

The good news is that there are a number of improvements we can make to your website to improve its SEO.

What does SEO involve?

There's too much to cover on this page, but let's cover some of the basics.

Search-Engine Optimisation Steps

1. Technical SEO

There are many potential SEO issues we come across on websites, ranging from missing pages, faulty links, missing or incorrect page titles and image tags. All these faults mean that Google may get an incorrect overview of what your website is about, and may miss some of the key features. The term 'Metadata' describes unseen code (or tags) we place in each website to help describe each page to search engines.

The page loading speed is also much more important now, so we ensure that every page is optimised and loads in microseconds, which is not only preferred by search-engines, but also by your visitors. Again, there are many aspects to this, such as optimum image compression, static page generation, server-side rendering, and more geeky terms that we employ on each website to ensure the best results.

Rest assured - we have you covered on this!

2. SEO Content

The next step is to give search engines plenty of quality information about the service or products you provide, in terms of clear well-written pages designed to appeal to both your visitors and search engines.

What makes you different or better than your competitors? What extra services do you offer? Give search engines plenty of information, and this will reflect in your search-engine rankings.

We work alongside you or your team to improve your website's content, and we have access to skilled copywriters if need be.

3. Off-page SEO

Having other websites linking to yours has always been a factor, but in the past has been dominated by companies that spam using 'link farms' (websites set up purely for the purpose of providing links). Search Engines are more selective now and can penalise websites that use these link farms, and may even remove them from their listings.

Don't fall into this trap, and speak to Deal Web Design for a more selective approach to providing links that improve your SEO without damaging your online reputation.

SEO 101

There are many aspects to getting your website more traffic, and it will depend on your businesses and your preferred clients. Over the years we've learnt various strategies to make this work for our clients.


Deal Web Design creates modern and cost-effective websites of many types for clients of all sizes. As well as websites, we build mobile apps, web and software applications, and provide associated services such as bespoke website development, web hosting, design, copywriting and search-engine marketing (SEO).

When you want your website to get noticed, talk to Deal Web Design.

We build websites ranging from simple brochure sites to more complex online shops (eCommerce websites), websites for estate agents, car dealers, hotels, restaurants, bars, B&B's amongst others.

So, if you have a project you like to explore, or need some help with website related tasks, we'd love to hear from you. Click here to contact us.