About Us

web designers kent

We're new here!

Deal Web Design is a new company in Deal, although we've been designing websites and applications for clients for many years. Having settled in Deal on the South Coast, Zach and his family finally decided that he'd had enough of working in London. Four hours travelling on the train and cramming into London's tube everyday could be put to better use!

Zach now creates unique and bespoke websites for clients around the country, working from sunny Deal.

What makes Deal Web Design different?


Many years of working on leading edge web projects for large companies has given us a unique understanding of what works - and what doesn't. Unlike so many other web design companies, we're not a WordPress shop, meaning we don't reply on WordPress and churn out hundreds of similar websites using one of the many free (often badly constructed) themes, that proliferate on the internet today.

Instead, we use a variety of tools to create bespoke websites for our clients that are built to do the exact job our clients require. We also have our own web design platform we call 'Bonzapp', which accelerates the process and ensures the latest innovations can be applied to your new website.

No one size fits all

We don't have a preset way of working with clients, and we would never consider pushing them down a particlualar website route. Every business is different, and will benefit most from a website designer that can understand how their business works and what would best benefit their client.

We put our clients first

Yes, I'm sure many web development companies say this, but can they genuinely say they'll advise prospective clients not to spend money with them, if they can't realistically provide the service they need?

In some cases, we may not be the best fit for your business, and if we think that's the case, we'll be upfront and honestly advise where we think you could get what you need.

We're friendly and approachable

We find the best approach with a prospective client is to talk. We're happy to bounce emails back and forth if that's preferred, but also more than happy to chat on the phone or a Zoom call, or even face-to-face for larger projects.

We don't talk 'geek', unless you want us to. Having started and run businesses over the years, we understand the unique pressures each company faces, and can help with technical and non-technical solutions to everyday business related problems. In the current times, post-pandemic but in a poorly economic environment, we're here to help in any practical way we can, without charging the earth.

So, if you have a project you like to explore, or need some help with website related tasks, we'd love to hear from you. Click here to contact us.